RallyCross 101

Last year I decided on a whim to drive out to Byron and watch the Milwaukee SCCA RallyCross kick up some dirt. That event was all I needed to decide that RallyCross was something I wanted to try. I spent about 8 months being too nervous to sign up for an event, until I saw the post for RallyCross 101. That was exactly what I needed to not feel nervous about trying something new. For a mere $50.00 - I was committed.

First, I want to give a big shout out to the guys in charge of the event. This was their very first introductory event which combined classroom time, hands on learning the basics, and a beginners course. They were short staffed on instructors and the schedule was about an hour off - but overall didn’t seem to bother the students that much. If those were the only two areas of improvement, I’d call the event a huge success!

Classroom time!

Classroom time!

I wasn’t the only newbie from Chitown Subarus on the course. Robert made time between two long work shifts to get some seat time.


“The hype meets the expectations, as RallyCross 101 proves to be such a fun learning experience that you’d come back for more. I think that the event teaches you so much more about control than power, that I didn’t even think I knew my car at all. The instructors were well versed and polite, giving us advice every step of the way while still letting us have fun overall. They were also right about one thing though, do one event and you’ll instantly be sold.”

Sounds like I’ll be seeing Robert and his 2016 WRX again at RallyCross events in the future!


I hope they do another RallyCross 101 event next year. It was very welcoming, relaxed, and absolutely perfect for someone like me who’s a little nervous to try something new.

Looking to get in to RallyCross but not sure where to start? All you need is a car that’s not going to fall apart and the willingness to try something new. No fancy equipment or modifications required!

Is the Milwaukee region too far? Check out Indiana Northwest Region SCCA RallyCross.